Hi Charlie:

> I guess you mean its "brother", RRDtool. As you are probably aware,
> RRDtool is "a reimplementation of MRTGs graphing and logging features.
> Magnitudes faster and more flexible than you ever thought possible".
> Details can be found at:

  Yes, you are right. I have seen so many packages before deciding what
to use that I simply cannot remember them right :) You should look to my
bookmark :)))

> As you will have noticed, the e-smith development team has been very
> focussed on making the 4.1 release the best yet, by a big margin. We are

  Are you sure? Come on I haven't seen any activity about 4.1 ;)))))
Just when I finish downloading one release you update it the next
morning :) How many hours does a day have in Canada? Here in Spain we
have only 24 and I can't beleive how can you work so well, so fast, so
... BDW, 4.1 it's a great product. We hope to use it as our production
product once we finish its i18n, and for that we are waiting to you guys
to stop making changes all around :)

> now close enough to that release so that we can think of life after the
> Big Release. Some system monitoring tools based on RRDtool are on the
> roadmap, so we'd advise you against investing too much time in MRTG.
> (MRTG-3, BTW, will be built on top of RRDtools).

  Great !!! :) Well, we will use RRDtools instead of MRTG. We were
trying to decide between MRTG and RDDtools. We thought MRTG was enough
and there were more scripts already done so ... but if you guys plan to
use RDDtools lets work all in the same direction.

  If you dont mind we are going to start working about that now, because
we are in some hurry and dont want to overloard you guys. Once you start
to work in it, we can share what we have already achieved. As I said in
my first email, we are planning to monitor diferent parameters of an
e-smith server without using SNMP. Some of then would be hardware
dependent (lm_sensors, type of externall interface) but we are going to
try to make this as release independent as possible (our product its
based on 4.0.12-56 because it's the one we have i18n and l10n to

> We definitely look forward to collaborating with you (and others) on
> making effective use of RRDtool.

  OK. We'll follow your instructions and try to make all the work so
that we don't have to invent the well many times :) Please, notice we
are not very experienced perl programmers but we will try as much as we

  Thanks for all your help. Hope to hear from you soon. See you.

* Jaime Nebrera Herrera * Nunca digas no se hacerlo       *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * mejor di: nunca lo he intentado *
*  Responsable del CCI  * Proverbio Japonés               *

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