Seems very valid. As long as there is a web form to enable/disable the service,
I can think of no reason why not.

On an unrelated topic, any possibility of adding a feature to user creation that
would allow/disallow web access for that user (or maybe a group)?
Just a future wish :) I know you guys are busy. I am talking future release 4.2
or 5.0 :)

Charlie Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 01/03/2001 02:35:41 PM

cc:    (bcc: Robert Boerner/TMCC/Toyota)

Subject:  [e-smith-devinfo] RFC: 4.1 to ship with webmail disabled by default

We are seriously considering shipping version 4.1 with IMP webmail
installed, but disabled. There will be a services web form which will
allow all services to be enabled/disabled.

We are thinking this way for two reasons:

1. Performance. On low memory systems, loading mod_php consumes
considerable system resources (actually, on any system it does, but it is
really noticable on low end systems).

2. Security. Enabling webmail opens an avenue for remote brute force
password guessing attempts. The same can be said for SSH, telnet, ftp and
POP. Those other services all ship disabled by default. IMP webmail should
as well. If you want webmail, you just enable it using the manager.

Are there dissenting views? Please present them, with reasoning.


  Charlie Brady                         [EMAIL PROTECTED] (development) (corporate)
  Phone: +1 (613) 368 4376 or 564 8000  Fax: +1 (613) 564 7739
  e-smith, inc. 1500-150 Metcalfe St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1 Canada

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