>         Hi everyone,
>         This is my first mail to this list, so I will introduce ourselves first
> and then I will comment some things about this wonderful project.
>         We are three Industrial Engineers from Seville (Spain). My name is
> Jaime Nebrera and I have been using Linux for about 3 years, I try to
> keep myself in the management side, read a lot about Linux but stay away
> of those /etc files :))). My two friends have been working with Linux
> longer, about 5 years. They love /etc files, perl, php , apache and all
> those things :)))
>         We were trying to build an Internet gateway for our office. We were
> using SUSE 7.0 mainly because we are SUSE users (from version 5.2) and
> because they have ReiserFS. As not everybody in the office has Linux
> knowledge, we were trying to develop a "web control system".
>         And then I found your project. I saw the announcement in Linux Today,
> and went directly to your site. It's great!!! It's all we need, even
> more, it has a great "web control panel" :)
>         We have decided to use the esmith project as our core base. It's sleek,
> easy to install, works perfectly as an Internet gateway, it's easy to
> administer and we don't want to reinvent the wheel another time :). But
> we have found some difficulties:
>         1) We are going to translate at least part of the "web control system"
> to Spanish. We will start with all the parts relative to the Internet
> gateway and we might continue with all the other pages. The problem is
> we have found that there is not a good "internationalization" base. It
> seems all the messages are directly in the code, not in some kind of
> "messages table". Is there any initiative in this project to facilitate
> this work or we will have to make it from the beginning?. In this case,
> what should we try?

Yes, we´ve done some "good internationalization" eforts, in terms of using gettext
inside perl and that worked fine. We translated e-smith 4.0. May be that could be

>         2) Are you planning to support ReiserFS? This is one of the biggest
> things since Coke, it makes the machine faster and much more secure
> against "power downs". I have seen it working and it's fantastic to see
> the machine start in a few seconds instead of several minutes after a
> power down :) Even more, as long as I have seen it, it has never fail to
> start without root assistance :) The other day I saw in Linux Today that
> Red Hat already supports it, are you?
>         3) We are planning to downsize even more the core e-smith distribution.
> We want it to be just an Internet gateway not a file server and all
> those things. It's easy to do this? My friend tells me its quite easy,
> just remove the scripts and the rpm, but are there any dependencies
> between the packages? Is it as easy as it seems?
>         4) I see in the instructions that you need a VGA Card, a CDROM and a
> floppy to install the esminth. If the product works as expected we are
> planning to use it for some of our clients, but the computers go WITHOUT
> a floppy or CDROM. There is any faster way to install it from the LAN or
> something like this. We don't want to keep putting and removing all that
> stuff to every server we build :) It's really necessary to go through
> all the "local" installation or could we just fetch the main
> configuration file from the file server as well. I understand some of it
> will be needed but I just don't want to keep one person just for this if
> it could go unattended.
>         5) This morning I received an mail announcing esimth 4.1beta. It's
> based on Red Hat 7.0. Why? We all know Red Hat makes very bad releases
> in their x.0 distros !! :( Even more, it seems in 7.0 they separate from
> all the other distros and make really strange things with libraries and
> directories. This will cut the possibility to use packages from other
> distros (Mandrake, SUSE, ...) I just went to Red Hat's home page and
> they say they have found more than 2500 bugs !!! (almost like W2000 :? )
>         6)  This one is a wish. Please don't make esmith just another distro.
> If you keep adding packages to it we will find ourselves with a new Red
> Hat instead of a great package to make a simple but powerful server.
>         7)  Do you intend to support those sleek Flex ATX cards? Wouldn't be
> lovely to make a "thin server" with one of those small cases, one hard
> disk, one or two ethernets and/or one modem? That's what we want to try
> :) At least here in Spain it's really hard to find new "obsolete"
> hardware like Pentiums MMX or EDO RAM, so we are trying to make it with
> the smallest and more integrated hardware available, and that seems to
> be those Flex ATX cards. Our first configuration will be:
>                 · Flex ATX Motherboard (VGA, Ethernet 10/100 built in)
>                 · AMD Duron or Pentium Celleron
>                 · 64 MB RAB
>                 · 10,4 GB HD IDE ATA 66 (it's hard to find a smaller one)
>                 · Kit for "external" HD
>                 · ISDN Modem (RDSI in Spain)
>                 · No CDROM, no Floppy, no Monitor
>                 · Flex ATX Case
>         Thanks four your time. I wait for your answers. Sorry for my English,
> it has been a long time since I studied in San Francisco one year.
>         See you !!
> --
> ***********************************************************
> * Jaime Nebrera Herrera * Nunca digas no se hacerlo       *
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * mejor di: nunca lo he intentado *
> *  Responsable del CCI  * Proverbio Japonés               *
> ***********************************************************
> --
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Sebastián Mantilla Beniers
Internet de Alta Calidad S.A. de C.V.

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