Luuk Jansen wrote:

> Yes, that was the problem...
> Now I can get on with testing/developing, but how to let quests log on and
> use the application.
> I don't want them to give my password.

        Make a new mysql user.  In mysql, do this with

grant all on database.* to newuser@localhost identified by 'password';

        where "database" is the name of the database, "newuser" is the
username, and "password" is the password.  This will give newuser all
privileges on the specified database.  If you want that user to have
only certain privileges, you'll need to specify them individually in
place of "all" in the above command; check the MySQL documentation for

> And the page must be accessabel from I-net, so not only localhost most give
> access, or do I see this the wrong way?

        This isn't quite right.  The user is accessing your web app from
wherever, but it's PHP (on your machine) that's making the actual
connection to MySQL (on your machine).

"Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy
and taste good with ketchup."

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