We have our test E-Smith server set up to use ourdomain.local as the
standard internal domain. We also registered a virtual domain of
ourdomain.co.uk so that we can retrieve mail for the domain. We have our
web site www.ourdoman.co.uk <www.ourdoman.co.uk>  hosted at our ISP.
When our users try to access this web page through the proxy on the
E-Smith box we only get the local I-Bay associated with the virtual
domain. Is there a way of telling E-Smith not to provide web service for
the virtual domain and route all queries to our ISP ?

I have tried adding in a host of www.ourdomain.co.uk
<www.ourdomain.co.uk>  into the hosts section and giving it the IP
address of the ISP's server but this doesn't work. 

Any help would be appreciated as this seems to be a major stumbling
block for us at the moment.

Lee Irving

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