You probably think I'm nuts for pounding this so far into the ground, but I
just can't take things just hanging like this....

With that said, I've found some consistency between what you are seeing and
what I was seeing.

First, I was able to get your RPM to work when I join a new (i.e., never
been in the domain before) machine to my domain.  This is something that I
didn't try yesterday.  I can also get just about any machine in my shop to
join the domain using your RPM as is IF I change the netbios name of these
machines prior to bring them into the domain.  In other words, they are
currently in a domain with hostname x.  I pull them out of the domain and
into workgroup test and change the netbios to y.  I then rejoin them to the
domain under netbios name y.  Works without fail....  Furhter, when I look
at the level10 samba log files, everything looks cool as far as samba is
concerned. Keep in mind that I hadn't tried any of this yesterday when I
first tackled this.

Second, I CANNOT get these same machines to rejoin the domain using the
original netbios names.  For example, I pull machine FRANK out of the domain
by putting it in workgroup TEST.  I then get on my SME server and delete the
machine account entries from /etc/passwd, /etc/smbpasswd, and
/home/e-smith/account.  When I try to rejoin FRANK back into the domain, I
get the error message as indicated in my previous email.  Also, the level10
samba log files spits out several error messages on trying to initiate the
smb_client_add process....

Third, if I switch the add user script samba parameter and
create-machine-account perl script to those that I emailed you yesterday, I
can join both new machines (i.e., never been in the domain) and old ones
(i.e., been in the domain at one time) to the domain without any issues.  On
viewing the Samba log files, no error messages can be found.

I'm still scratching my head as to what's causing this, but it has to have
something to do with the handshaking during the add user script process.
When an attempt is made to rejoin an old machine, Samba doesn't like what
it's being told..

OK, that's my 2 cents (well maybe a little more than 2 cents :o)  ).

Have a good one


Greg J. Zartman, P.E.
Logging Engineering International, Inc.
(541)683-8383  fax (541)683-8144

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