
At 02:07 28/11/2001, Gordon Rowell wrote:
>     - Whether we need to use a separate [profiles] share

I've tested this as follows:

1. Upgraded my box to 5.1 Beta1 and applied your latest Samba contrib.
2. Edited the 61Profilesshare template and uncommented the various lines 
(note: the closing brace is in the wrong place - the template won't expand 
correctly. I moved it to before the [Profiles] line.)
3. Edited 11logonPath so that it produces \\%N\Profiles\%U
4. Expanded templates, restarted samba.

When I logon as a test user, I get an error that it can't write the profile 
to \\agatha\Profiles\test4.pds. I logged in as admin, and was able to 
create a profile there. It would appear that the directory permissions are 

[root@agatha /root]# ls -l /home/e-smith/files/samba
total 8
drwxrwsr-x    7 admin    admin        4096 Nov 28 01:42 printers
drwxrwsr-x    3 admin    admin        4096 Nov 28 21:12 profiles

Sticky bits have always eluded me somewhat. Can someone explain what the 
one above is for?

I've left this for the moment, rather than making the profiles directory 
world writable.

One other thing which I'd like to check is how the netlogon.bat is 
executing, but it's running minimized. Can anyone confirm if changing the 
_DEFAULT PIF file appropriately will affect this?



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