Perhaps another "feature" needed is a template editor. Rather than having to
create the path in templates-custom, copy over the template, etc, it would
be a relatively simple matter to create a perl script to automate this.

/sbin/e-smith/modify-template templatepath

This script could present a list of the available template fragments, from
which the user would select one, and then load the fragment into vi or pico.
After editing, if the saved file is different than the original, the
fragment would automatically be placed into templates-custom. Exit logic
could either return to the prompt, or return to the fragment list.

The editor would of course need to check for existing custom templates --
basically the same logic that goes into selecting files for template
expansion. Edit the custom template if it exists, else load the default and
save to custom. Also display any new fragments from custom.

For editing a specific fragment, a special syntax for templatepath:


Or an alternate syntax:

/modify-template -f fragmentname templatepath

Another option would be to provide a grep filter in the editor:

./modify-template -s "searchstring" templatepath

This would present a list of only those fragments containing the specified
searchstring. Note that the -f option would not apply here.

Lastly, some options to check what type a template (or fragment) is, and to
restore a template (or fragment) to the default state.

Display all fragments (or the specified fragment) and indicate if it is the
default or custom:

./modify-template -t [-f fragmentname] templatepath

Delete the specified template or fragment:

./modify-template -d [-f fragmentname] templatepath

Some more search options. A -a to search all fragments in a directory, and a
-r to search recusively:

./modify-template -a -r -s "searchstring" pathname

Note that pathname in this case would be interpreted relative to

Oh, and I suppose an option to create a new template:

./modify-template -n fragmentname templatepath

And one to "copy" one from an existing fragment:

./modify-template -c sourcepath:fragment targetpath:fragment

This modify-template editor interface would eliminate the primary need for
comments in the output (ie, finding the fragment that generates the output)
and would simplify the process of editing fragments (not really necessary to
understand the templates / templates-custom structure.)



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