Rich Lafferty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> (Wearing my Horde hat, not my Mitel one:)
> If you'd like to test an entirely un-SME-ized IMP 3.0RC2, it's
> available from; you'll need IMP 3.0RC2, Horde 2.0RC2,
> and Turba 1.0RC2 (Turba is the now-separate contact manager
> component).

Thanks for the info Rich.

I'd be happy to give this a try however, you qualified your reply that 
you were only wearing your Horde hat.

To avoid devinfo members possibly _assuming_ incorrectly this is Mitel's 
direction, would you or someone at Mitel please take a moment to confirm 
this is Mitel's inteneded webmail/contact manager direction?

In other words it may be of little value for all of us to dive in and 
take a look if Mitel is not going to implement the above.

If the timing is not appropriate to comment further, simply say so.


Darrell May

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