On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Greg Zartman wrote:

> Beta 3 looks good and upgrade was a breeze!!

As it should be.

> I have a Samba related comment (anyone surprised???).  As I've indicated
> before, setting the domain admin parameter = @admin causes problems with
> windows apps.  Below are the apps that  DO NOT WORK on my Win2k client
> machine connected to a SME 5.1 beta 3 domain:
> - AutoCAD 2000
> - Quickbooks 99
> - Softree 2000
> - ESRI Arc/Info 8.2
> - Network 2000
> - Pendragon Forms 3.1
> - Three off-brand engineering apps that no-one will likely recognize.

David Brown posted a workaround for the problem in these apps when you 
first raised the issue:

DB> I have to disagree with this, simply because several users in our office
DB> would do more damage than good as domain admins because of poor computing
DB> habits.  Win NT/2000 clients that join a domain automatically include the
DB> domain admin group as local admins, meaning that everyone would be a local
DB> admin.  Better to specify that a particular user is a power user for their
DB> particular workstation and avoid the security risks.

Until you can convince me otherwise, I consider these apps to be flawed, 
and for it to be an unacceptable security risk to have all users be 
members of the domain admin group.

It is an issue, and is one which we will need to deal with, through 
documentation, or through software change if necessary. And until then, 
it's easy for you to use a custom template to solve the problem in the way 
which you see fit.


Charlie Brady                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Mitel Networks Corporation            http://www.mitel.com/
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