le 28/03/2002, à 01:05,

> Has anyone looked at incorporating either big brother or big sister 

> http://bigsister.graeff.com/ into SME?

> Big Brother/Sister, Netsaint or some other similar product would be
> GREAT!  I volunteer to help test any install and frankly,                     
if required,                                                                    
> would help to underwrite the costs to build an SME rpm.                       
as i already told jeff ..

The rpm is not necessary : just a template in the httpd.conf,                   
and install the packages required (netsaint,                                    
nestaint-plugins...), correct the links in ... ok for a rpm
(at least for the initial configuration).
A bit more work for bigbrother but nothing tremendous.                          
Btw i corrected the problem with the GD lib on my box but i have to             
admit it's not very "elegant" (not at all indeed). if someone has a             
clean method, i'm interested.                                                   
Anyway an aggressive monitoring package like netsaint (or
bigbrother or bigsister) is maybe not welcome on an sme box.
IMHO, you should have another machine on your network. Furthermore
there is no need to integration with the sme software : no need to have
the database users or groups, and the configuration is not really               
trivial : you'll have to spend time with vi...                                  
Integrating the telemetry environment would make more sense, from the
sme point of view : web, click and go.                                          
As soon as i ave the right method for gd, i write a howto.                      
I think this template is good : correct me if I'm wrong.
#          netsaint       #                                                     
  Alias /netsaint /usr/share/netsaint                                           
<Directory /usr/share/netsaint>                                                 
RequireSSL on                                                                   
Options -Indexes                                                                
AllowOverride None                                                              
order deny,allow                                                                
deny from all                                                                   
allow from all                                                                  
AuthName "Netsaint User"                                                        
AuthType Basic                                                                  
AuthExternal pwauth                                                             
require user admin                                                              
Satisfy all                                                                     
<Directory /usr/share/netsaint/cgi-bin>                                         
    AllowOverride all                                                           
    DirectoryIndex netsaint                                                     
    Options ExecCGI                                                             
 <IfModule mod_perl.c>                                                          
    PerlModule Apache::Registry                                                 
    KeepAlive Off                                                               
Alias /netsaint/cgi-bin /usr/share/netsaint/cgi-bin                             
<Location /netsaint/cgi-bin>                                                    
    SetHandler perl-script                                                      
    PerlHandler Apache::Registry                                                
    Options ExecCGI                                                             
    allow from all                                                              
    PerlSendHeader On                                                           
    DirectoryIndex netsaint                                                     

 rodolphe                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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