On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 07:26:15PM -0000, Darrell May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> Unfortunately there remain deficiences in SME 5.5 and mailfront that are
> with holding many users from being able to upgrade.  

I disagree with this assertion. You sell add-ons to the SME Server which
require some features of Obtuse SMTPD. Some of your customers are unable
to upgrade as your commercial packages are not compatible with mailfront
and mailfront does not currently have the features you depend upon.

You have every right to build such packages and we encourage such
third-party additions. We gain no benefit from these add-ons, do not
support them and make no statements about their compatibility with
current or future releases.

Your freedom to build such add-ons comes with one obligation - if the
add-on includes, or is derived from any GPL code, you must provide the
source code to anyone who asks. This also applies to products which are
based upon our GPL server code and any code released under the GPL for
which you do not hold Copyright.

If you have a problem, you have all the parts. If you would like something
to be fixed in mailfront, you can fix it or pay someone to do so. However,
under the GPL you must release those modifications to the community.

> It would be of tremendous benefit to all if Mitel would continue to
> focus resources on developing mailfront to match the capabilities of
> obtuse_smtpd. Further these capabilites are needed on SME 5.5 today.

Like any business, Mitel decides where to focus resources, based on
various priorities. We have many, many development tasks both internal
and external and we determine the priority of those tasks and when we
will slot them into releases.

We temporarily lost the ability to block false positive relay tests in
5.5 and deemed this important enough to fix in 5.6. This was the only
supported feature lost in the conversion to mailfront in 5.5 and it was
an annoyance rather than a showstopper. Obtuse SMTPD however was the
cause of delayed and corrupted mail, which is why we replaced it. We
also made the decision to stop supporting this piece ourselves as a
better alternative was available.

> I tried to back port mailfront from SME 5.6 (which offer some more
> capabilites) to SME 5.5 but my initial testing proved problematic.
> If Mitel would build, test and release a current mailfront update for SME
> 5.5, I will try to test and build a panel to utilize the new features.

We are busy working on 5.6 and we won't be allocating time to add new
features to previous releases. I'm not aware of any vendor who adds
new features to old releases, and we're certainly not intending to do
so. The mailfront and e-smith-mailfront packages are released under the
GPL. You have all of the pieces to make this work and it's obviously an
itch you need to scratch.

> In general, what we need is the ability to restrict mail down to the user
> level.  Remove the accept/reject based on valid domain and add accept/reject
> based on valid users, psuedonyms and groups.  Offer the ability to restrict
> inbound and outbound based on defined users, psuedonyms and groups.  (This
> is somewhat enabled but not complete)
> What ideas do you and/or Mitel have to achieve the above for SME 5.5 today
> and SME 5.6 in the future?

- If you need to build mailfront for 5.5, you have the parts you need
- If you need to enhance mailfront, you have the source
- If you need someone else to enhance mailfront, offer to pay them, as we did
- If you enhance mailfront or e-smith-mailfront, you must release the source

 Gordon Rowell                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Director, Engineering
 Network Server Solutions Group        http://www.e-smith.com/
 Mitel Networks Corporation            http://www.mitel.com/smallbusiness

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