Caution: devinfo members may wish to ignore the following long post that may
serve only to inflame passions on devinfo.   You have
been warned.  Use your delete key if a long, opinionated, response to an
off-topic post upsets you and wastes your time.

 Dear Darrell,
The tone of your post struck a dissonant chord with me.   I offer the
following opinions on the points you raised. 

I apologise to the devinfo list members for the following in reponse to your
RANT.  However, you have set your filters to ignore my off
list responses to your critical posts.   

Charlie, I hereby request
Mitel filter this response from the devinfo list if policy permits so as
to minimize further damage to devinfo. 

I have been lurking on devinfo for several years and have appreciated
the depth of responses to devinfo questions I see from Mitel.  However,
your occasional undiplomatic outbursts make me uncomfortable with the
forum.   I fear I understand the reason for your continual baiting and
criticism of Mitel staff via devinfo.  It is classic guerrilla marketing
where any message is better than none.  But devinfo is not a marketing
forum.  Hence, abuse. 

Quoting Darrell May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: >
> Charlie Brady <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> > As Gordon says, if you would like to do this, go right ahead, using
> > one of strategies he outlined.
> Unfortunately of the strategies Gordon outlined, the key missing
> ingredient
> was Mitel's offer to provide any assistance. 

Mitel provides a forum.  Their staff members like any other devinfo
member are a volunteer resource and should have no special obligation
beyond that.  Their forum, their policies, their call.  

Ethically, they
should not allow themselves to be exploited by any other member nor
should their forum be abused to habitually plug member service offerings
as I have seen you do.  Darrell, just because the nature of the open forum makes open
critisism by Mitel difficult doesn't mean you can ethically continue to plug your 
service on devinfo. 
> I'm willing to provide the time and resources I have to improve the
> Server, how about the same from Mitel.
The kind of time and resources I appreciate from Mitel is that they
continually tighten up the product and mightily resist features outside
their market focus. 
> All I need is assistance with
> getting the foundation in place.  From there I'll do the rest as best I
> can.
Their released product is the foundation.  Rushing a project is a sure-fire way
to fail.  I see Mitel improving the foundation continuously. 
> Alternately, what is the point in Mitel hosting a devinfo list if Mitel
> will
> not offer assistance and work directly with devinfo members in improving
> the
> Mitel SME Server?
As an observer, I see significant assistance from Mitel, particularly
when a cooperative spirit is evident.  As to improvements, not all
suggestions are improvements.  Your assumption that your ideas will
improve the SME server may not be valid.   Further, it may be impossible
for Mitel to evaluate your ideas since they, like the rest of us,  are
not omniscient/omnipotent.  They have the right to not respond.  You
apparently do not respect that right. 
> You may have noticed the dramatic change over the last year of this
> list.
> This list appears almost dormant at times.  There has been little to
> no
> cooperative development on list in many months. 
The policy set long ago is to make the product as simple as possible. 
That achieved, it seems that continuously improving reliability and
security is the most important development .  Cooperative development is
a two way street.  I mainly see criticism and opportunism, not
cooperation from your side.  Your success in drawing others into your
projects is admirable.  Where you don't succeed in getting cooperation
do you post results publicly?  Do you have an open forum where I can be
your perpetual critic and you can't suppress my views? 
> There has been little to no commentary or posts from devinfo members.
> Where
> have all the devinfo members gone?  Why are they reluctant to post
> their
> comments?  Is there a reason for this relucatance to comment on list?
One reason I have been reluctant to comment is your attempts to dominate
devinfo with your views and what I see as shameless attempts to use
devinfo as a marketing platform for your additions at the expense of
Mitel's market.  I see this as very destructive to the devinfo
atmosphere.  Your response to my prior feedback to you on this issue has been to 
filter me
out, hence this response via devinfo. 
> In my latest attempts to post development issues on list, I have yet
> to
> receive a reply that Mitel would be interested in working with me.
You have asked Mitel many times to work with you but you often seem argumentative and 
opinionated in your posts.  I would expect that trust is a big factor here.  Your aims 
appear to exploit differences to your benefit.
Intelligence without soul is contrary to the spirit of open source. 
> Again, if I can offer out of my busy schedule my free time and resources
> to
> improve your product, certainly someone from Mitel could do the same.
Gimme a break, you are expoiting Mitel's product and their forum.  Are
your customers paying Mitel?
> We must learn to work cooperatively together.
I disagree, cooperation without policy agreement may be impossible.  devinfo is a 
forum for cooperative development, not a free resource to debug your ideas.
> If this list is to survive, devinfo members and Mitel must find a way
> to work together.
 You seem to imply that you represent devinfo members.  This makes me
upset because it makes it appear that Mitel is defensively aligned
against the devinfo members and you are the opposition leader.  Your
views don't represent me and I see them as permanently antagonistic to
Mitel policies.  I wish you would stop using devinfo to intimidate Mitel
staff.  You have driven people away from the list with your obvious
> I feel we can and must do better to keep this development list and
> devinfo
> member involvement alive so that the community will benefit from an
> improved
> Mitel SME Server product. 

Maybe we could get Dr. Phil to sponsor devinfo:-) 

Seriously, I respect your right to an opinion Darrell, but I fear you are doing
damage to the forum and the platform.  I am sure a majority of your
neighbors over in Redmond applaud your right to exploit people for commercial

Regards and again: Apologies to the list.
Please reply off-list. 

Paul Miller

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