
A couple of things

1/ this needs a tidy up


 and set the path to

/usr/java/j2re<version number>/bin

So the line should look like this:

JAVA_PATH=/usr/local/j2re<version number>/bin

second JAVA_PATH should read /usr/java/ not /usr/local/  could confuse some

2/ Perhaps a warning that netprobe places the eth port in promiscuous mode.
I ran netprobe last night on eth1 (external port) and in the space of an
hour had generated over 1meg in DNS (port 53) traffic. That is 720 megs of
extra traffic per month. Could be a bit of a surprise for those who may be
running traffic limited DSL or cable.

Apart from that it is a very nice how-to and application.

Jon Blakely
Computer Troubleshooters - Howick
New Zealand
+64 21 232 6419

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cyrus Bharda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 5:25 PM
> To: E-Smith Developers List
> Subject: Re: [e-smith-devinfo] [ALPHA] Need constructive
> critisism on a
> howto
> Ok Thank you Nick and Graham for the feedback!!
> You all can now see an updated version:
> and if it all looks good, than I will announce it to the
> phorums!
> Thank you all for your time and help putting this howto together,
> <aussie joke>
> as Big Kev would say "I'M EXCITED!"
> </aussie joke>
> If there is anything else wrong with this howto then just let me know!
> A BIG HUGE THANK YOU to Jeff Coleman for hosting my small
> contribution to
> the SME community, and for hosting an awesome place for the combined
> collection of contribs and howto's for the SME aka
> :-)
> Cyrus Bharda
> P.S. I am also working on how to add it so that when SME boots it will
> start, but still am a bit wet behind the ears, anyone got a
> clue on how to
> achieve this? Also netprobe can only listen on one network
> device at a time,
> but you can have multiple versions running, so I am just
> figuring out how to
> change the port for the web interface for the second device,
> once I figured
> that out I will update the howto :-)
> Graham Brown wrote:
> : I managed to successfully install netprobe using your how to.
> : However I did find an error.
> :
> : When I installed the JRE, the bin path is
> : /usr/JAVA/j2re1.4.1_02/bin/  Your How to states
> : /usr/LOCAL/j2re[version]/bin
> :
> :
> : This is a small point, but don't you normally have a line at the top
> : of the page which states
> : "you can find the most up to date copy of this how to here
> http://...";
> :
> : Hope this helps
> :
> : Graham
> :
> :
> : -----Original Message-----
> : From: Cyrus Bharda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> : Sent: 14 March 2003 05:22
> : To: E-Smith Developers List
> : Subject: [e-smith-devinfo] [ALPHA] Need constructive critisism on a
> : howto
> :
> : I have written my first howto and need some info on if:
> :
> : It is good enough
> : Should contain more information
> : Should provide screenshots
> : Need to be worded differently
> : Is it easy to follow
> :
> : I would just like to know what/if I have done anything
> wrong so I can
> : fix
> : it, there is nothing worse than a bad howto.
> :
> : Now I have tested this out, followed it but because I know what I am
> : talking
> : about and know the steps it does seem logical to me, but I need to
> : know from
> : someone who does not know the steps and tries to follow
> these to find
> : out if
> : there is something wrong with it.
> :
> : I have used Darrell's howto template, thank you Darrell!!
> :
> : Cyrus Bharda
> : P.S. This is my first so please be gentle :-)
> :
> : Find Howto at:
> :
> :
> :
> : This is hosted by a 56k modem and the page will be taken offline on
> : Monday
> : morning Eastern Australian time.
> --
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