> David McNab wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just a quick one to inform that, owing to a sad lack of flames, I've
> put NodeConfig (the windows GUI-based node config utility) under CVS.
> You'll find it in Contrib/wininstall/NodeConfig, in Freenet's CVS
> (*not* FreeWeb CVS). It's too general to live in the FreeWeb tree.

Perhaps this is the time for me to bring this up...

My CVS checkout of the Freenet module hasn't shown any major updates for
about a month now - maybe a dozen files have been touched over a number
of "cvs update"s.  (Since shortly after the time the experimental branch
was re-merged.)  I have been keeping silent because I just figured maybe
there wasn't a lot of code updates happening, since that was the case
last time I mentioned not seeing any CVS movement.  :)  But I just did a
"cvs update" and David's code was NOT checked out into my local copy. 
So I suspect I've got things screwed up.

I have re-checked out the source since the merge happened _without_
using the "Experimental" tag.  I also just now tried re-checking it out
based on the instructions on the Freenet website, but I still don't see
David's new code.

Am I just on crack or have CVS checkout procedures changed?  I'm quite
familiar with CVS - I maintain our CVS repository at work.  What could I
possibly be doing wrong?  Is there a new tag or branch I'm missing?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

usage: qrpff 153 2 8 105 225 < /mnt/dvd/VOB_FILENAME \
    | extract_mpeg2 | mpeg2dec - 

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