Dave Hooper schrieb:

> You've stumbled across an excellent test! This seems to be a fault of the
> NSIS engine (or perhaps a misunderstanding on my part - though quite why
> NSIS should think C:\ is a short-filename approximation to
> C:\Programme\Internet\Freenet_0.5 is beyond me!).

Perhaps because I have Freenet 0.4, Freenet_0.4, Freenet 0.5 and
Freenews there, so that is the 5th folder starting with "Freene~".

> I've rejigged the installer to use the full long-filename path unless a
> short-filename path is absolutely necessary (i.e. in Exec calls).

Errm, is it really necessary to use 8.3 paths anywhere in communication
between 32-bit programs. When the path to the .exe contains spaces, put
it into "" marks.

e.g. "C:\Programme\Internet\Freenet 0.5\freenet.exe" --doWhatYouWantWith
"C:\Programme\Intenet\Freenet 0.5\freenet.ini

When your freenet.exe needs file names, it might have to do the parsing
itself (depends on the method you use to get the cmdline args).

So imo you should not use 8.2 filenames at all in a windows installer...
Or is it a problem of NSIS, not of freenet.exe?

What do you do if someone installs the file to an UNC path in the
network? There are no 8.3 names available for those (although I guess
NSIS will prevent that anyway)

>  The
> problem your describing will no longer occur.
> http://www.freenetproject.org/snapshots/freenet-webinstall.exe

yep, it worked now. 

> I'd urge you to continue testing the installer, your help has been
> invaluable!  The newest version should solve your immediate problems.

yep, they did. But there is a new problem: I installed Freenet into a
new dir, and now my seed nodes are empty...
I was not asked to dl new ones, i did not get an error messages, simply:
i don't have seed nodes...

when opening the config tool (to get seed nodes) i noticed you could
hide the java window there as well (or use javaw.)

And, it seemed that "update snapdhot" requires some more "Next"s now -
so nothing for a scheduled task any more. (I wanted to double check with
the old "Update snapshot.exe", but that has been removed. So i'm not
sure if the old one really worked without any clicks. However, one
without clicks would be nice.)


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