Adding useDSIndex=false to your config file will significantly reduce
your CPU load.  This will have two side effects however:

1.  You will no longer loose files completed since the last DS
checkpoint.  With the DS index enabled, files are committed to the DS
only at checkpoints.  Files received after the last checkpoint before
Fred shuts down get lost.  By disabling the index, files are committed
immediately upon receipt so your node will no longer loose as much data
at shutdown.

2.  Fred will take longer to startup.  Changes I have made lately have
drastically reduced this difference however.  If you have the time, it
would be nice to see benchmarks of startup times with the index enabled
vs disabled.

If you really like to do benchmarks, I added an option in last week called readThreads.  This controls how
many threads are used for reading in the DS when the index is disabled. 
Changing this value may significantly affect startup times.  As the
index is single threaded it may even be possible (but highly doubtful)
for startup to be faster without an index.


On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 05:34:19AM -0500, Gianni Johansson spake thusly:
> Has anyone definitively tracked down the source of the CPU load issue?
> If not, what are the best hypotheses?
> --gj
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