>> So:
>> A->B what is my IP address
>> B->A it is aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
>> A creates a long random number and makes it available at its FNP port as
>> something like 'entropy.txt'
>> A->C get the entropy.txt from aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd and send me the result
>> C->aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd what is your entropy.txt?
>> aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd->C this is my entropy.txt
>> C->A this is your entropy.txt
>How about this, which is simpler:
>A->B what's my ip (same as above)
>B->A a.b.c.d (same as above)
>A->C connect to a.b.c.d and say 'foo'
>C->a.b.c.d: foo
>If A receives 'foo' from C, then a.b.c.d can be assumed to be valid.

geee - nice :)

i assume "what is my ip" and "say 'foo'" are all FNP commands? and they are crypted?
then perhaps the established connection A<->B could be kept open for normal FNP (if 
not already so)
also C->a.b.c.d could be used as an additional "node connection establishment attempt 
from C to a.b.c.d" (don't know the exact FNP name for this) so the 
connection could be used for FNP just now, too

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