At 02.20 22/07/2003 +1000, you wrote:
> Re [freenet-dev] Job Jar Repor7.ems<file://D:\Mail\Attach\Re [freenet-dev] Job Jar 
> Repor7.ems <0880.0002>> 
>> > *  Produce a Kaffe-bundled distro of Fred.=0D


>This comes up regularly when the jobjar is posted, it seems.  Anyhow,=0D
>it doens't count.  From the page in question:

You point is true; however the note you refer is posted everytime
 the jobjar is posted because Easyfreenet was out well before the
 nio incompatibility was introduced in stable releases.

So the posting was the only way to publicize a code that was ignored
 despite 3 different announce in devl list.

Or at least to have some comment back ;) .....

Ciao.   Marco

>(begin quote)=0D
>Warning. Freenet developers have discontinued compatibility with the free =
>Kaffe JVM in builds 599 and higher due to the introduction of NIO technolog=
>y, =0D
>which is not yet supported by Kaffe. This looks like plain nonsense to me=0D
>since it means to sacrifice Freenet's main goals to performance issues. =0D
>The bottom line is that privacy and anonymity simply cannot be guaranteed =
>by software relying on other proprietary, closed-source software.=0D
> =0D
>The latest release of Easyfreenet comes with build 598, which is the most =
>recent build known to run under Kaffe without major problems. Therefore, =0D
>you must not perform the upgrade to the latest snapshot or you'll get an =0D
>unusable installation. =0D
>(end quote)=0D
>So, yes, fixing Kaffe-NIO is a prerequisite for this goal, just as=0D
>fixing GCJ's NIO is a prerequisite for the GCJ binary distro task.=0D

+     il  Progetto Freenet - segui il coniglio bianco        +
*     the Freenet  Project - follow the  white rabbit        *
*   Marco A. Calamari    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    *
*     PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698       *
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