On Monday 04 August 2003 12:16 pm, Gordan wrote:
> On Monday 04 Aug 2003 17:09, Ian Clarke wrote:
> > I suspect the ratio between HTML and non-HTML data will be more-or-less
> > constant irrespective of the total amount of WWW information - the point
> > still remains that much time will be wasted trying to compress
> > uncompressable data unless the client looks at the MIME-types to
> > determine suitability for compression.
> I completely agree. This is precisely why I suggested detecting mime types
> and skipping compression on files that are already compressed.

I think it'd be much nicer to have the client specify whether or not the data 
is compressible explicitly. Maybe also have a way (FCP command) to test to 
see just how compressible it is.
Of course, I think compression is totally unnecessary because uncompressed 
data is a small fraction by size of Freenet, and for most people, the time to 
transfer an HTML page is trivial next to the time required to FIND it, 
possibly even with NGR.
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