On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, [iso-8859-1] Some Guy wrote:
> This may only open the network up to greater attack! A
> hostile node(s) can close in on the node(s)
> responsible for that hash-space and get thier IPs. 

You can't "close in on" a node.  In fact, that's what Freenet is all about 
stopping.  No matter how close you think you are the node hosting the 
data, you still don't know if the node you're getting it from is the one, 
or it's one hop beyond.

> Consider this attack I run a great node that keeps all
> the information in the target hash-space, so it has a
> super response time.  I SYN flood other nodes in that
> specialization to make myself the "best node" for the
> area, because all the other ones suck now.  Once
> nobody is routing to them anymore I'm done; nobody
> will find the data anyway and I can eventually assume
> the things are out of cache and go attack something
> else.

So do it!  Attack a CHK.  If you need another node to help out, I'll 
volunteer my services.  Tell me what you want me to do.  I don't think 
you'll be able to pull off an attack, but it'd be extremely interesting 
project, nonetheless, and may yield some useful information.

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