On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Lorrin Nelson wrote:

> Yeah, I'm not sure this logic is getting anywhere. Lets say I want to 
> block a particular y bit file (y < 160) with CHK x. If you start trying 
> to find a file with CHK x by looking at all possible files, then of 
> course you'll find the file in just 2^y tries, since you'll have 
> stumbled across the actual file! But that's no use to use, since you 
> need a _different_ file than the one you're trying to block. So you've 
> gotta keep looking, and that'll probably take 2^159 tries as was said 
> earlier.
> I just made all this up so maybe I'm wrong, but it makes sense to me. :-)

Ok, here's the deal.

What we're looking for is the set of files that matches the first X bits
of a hash, leaving 160-X bits 'random'.

To _REALLY_ target a particular CHK, let's go with 32 fixed bits.
There are 2^128 keys out there, out of 2^160.  To find _ONE_ key that's
near enough you need to search (2^160/2^128) or 2^32 hashes.

Interesting.  That's basically zero work, especially if you decide to
"only" match 20 bits.

Now the question becomes: If I insert 2^10 near-collisions on a CHK,
what happens to the network?


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