On Wednesday 24 September 2003 08:31 pm, Pascal wrote:
> Interesting story on Slashdot today.  I wonder how hard it would be to
> implement in Freenet?
> http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=03/09/24/132216

Not only could Freenet provide a solution, but it could be used as a source of 
income for the project. Consider this: Someone gathers money to setup 
somesort of anti-spam database using whatever existing technology. Then add 
some code that would enable users to make their node a publicly accessible 
node, but on a different port that only allows access to a select few keys. 
Then sell the anti-spam service on the cheap. Anyone that ran a Freenet node 
could get it for free and everyone else would pay a monthly fee towards the 
project. They would have a program that had a large list of the publicly 
accessable nodes that allow them to download the Anti-spam SSK. Then every so 
often they would be sent updates to the list. (Not everyone should get the 
same list) 

It would be hard to attack because there would be too many targets and I'm 
sure many people would allow their node to be used if it benefited the 
project. It would take very little cost to setup, and almost surely be 
profitable. Even if large numbers of people decided not to pay for it, and 
instead run a Freenet node, then you could really increase Freenet's 
popularity, and have a very concrete and defensible legal use for Freenet, 
that would make much harder for most countries to outlaw it.
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