On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 15:06, Brandon Low wrote:
> I agree with your patch, and you're right that since the creator thread
> is the _only thing anywhere_ that calls create and destroy my changes
> were unneeded.

Your confusion demonstrates the need to move that code into the
body of the loop.  Fine grained locking is hard to get right.

> You might want to make the wait in the tail of the loop 1000 (didn't see
> that in your patch, sorry if I missed it, I'm not very good at reading
> context diff, only udiff)

I just typed CTRL-X v = into emacs to get the patch.  
I'll figure out how to make it use -u by default.
The wait 1000 change was in.

> Go ahead and commit your version (with possibly 1000 ms wait).

If you can believe it, there was another bug.  I referred to
available outside of synchronized(countLock)...  Fixed it to
use a snapshot of available before unlock.  Also added some
more comments (that's when I discovered the bug).  Then
I found another.  Inserting the destroyThread function
(which had a return statement) was tricky and I got it
wrong the first time, and the second time...

I'm running a node with the changed version now and will commit
the changes later today.

-- Ed Huff

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