On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 06:41:50PM -0400, Ed Tomlinson wrote:
> On October 01, 2003 06:23 pm, Ian Clarke wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 06:19:41PM -0400, Ed Tomlinson wrote:
> > > QueryReject or TimedOut.  Also remember that rounding is involved...
> > > Also even with pSF approaching 1 the node can be routed to and the
> > > luck of the draw says some requests may be processed....
> >
> > Yes, but if pSF==1 then that implies that all searches failed, which
> > clearly contradicts the fact that I observed many nodes with pSF=1 but
> > with successfulTransfers > 0.
> pSF is a estimate.  If you happened to be watching just after it succeeded
> you would find it at about 0.8 and it would slowly go back to .9999 as 
> the next 100 or so queries were rejected.

I haven't done the math, but I suspect it would take a *very* long time
for the running average to return to 1 after a successful search. 0.9999
maybe, but not 1.  I think that your explanation is unlikly.


Ian Clarke                                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coordinator, The Freenet Project              http://freenetproject.org/
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