On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 12:46:09AM -0500, Salah Coronya wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Brandon Low wrote:
> | Threadlimits probably aren't the issue any more, can you check how many
> | queries per minute your node is accepting?  There is a default in the
> | config file to only accept a max of 300 queries per minute, is it
> | possible that that is the limit you are hitting?
> * entries: 100
> * Global mean traffic (queries per hour):13030.233333333334
> * Local mean traffic (queries per hour): 93798.85356956748
> * Current advertise probability: 0.02
> * Current proportion of requests being accepted: 0.0
> Sure looks like it. Local mean traffic (the number of incoming requests
> to me?) seem to vary from about 30,000 an hour to 90,000 an hour. Seems
> to be holding at about 60,000.
> I'll reverting back to 120 threads and increase maxRequestsPerInterval
> and see what happens.
> | Also, it is possible that inserts are __slow__ due (indirectly) to the
> | asyncronizing of trailer sends.  I've tried to explain my view of this
> | to toad, but lets see if mentioning it here gets me anywhere:
> | With trailers async, there is no local limit on how many trailers we can
> | start, that is we will keep queueing up trailers till we are blue in the
> | face, causing tremendous slowness in the actual transfer of said
> | trailers.  IT IS MY __HUMBLE__ opinion that this behavior is less
> | desirable than having threads block on trailer sends forcing the node to
> | limit itself on how many trailers it can start.
> |
> | Thoughts?
> |
> | --Brandon
> |
> I've noticed some the previous builds (like 6205) were slow on splitfile
> inserts (and tended to hang on the last couple of blocks), but latest
> ones I can let a splitfile insert run overnight and not even get ONE
> block inserted.

Sounds like a bug to me, rather than a design issue.

Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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