One key question as we move towards 0.6 is announcements.

When the network is overloaded, is precisely when we want announcements
to succeed - but announcements use significant resources on the nodes on
the chain, so could perhaps be used for DoS, and could easily contribute
to nodes being overloaded. Now, the question is, when exactly should the
node accept announcements? Another perversity: if an announcement does
find a successful path, it'll probably be a chain of lightly loaded
nodes that don't need the load taking off them, and won't send the new
node that wants more traffic much anyway!

Any suggestions?

Second issue: currently we route an announcement to a maximum of 5 nodes
before giving up on it (assuming we are not the first node on the
chain). The corresponding number for normal requests is 40, i.e. they
will traverse most of the routing table. Is there any reason for the
announcement maximum routes not to be increased significantly? And the
maximum number of restarts too perhaps?
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey -
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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