On November 08, 2003 04:54 am, Martin Stone Davis wrote:

If we try this here is a way it could work.  We used the anullation (how every 
it is spelt) in the QR message to transmit sendqueuesize/outputbandwidthlimit
or sendqueuesize/outputbandwidthused if there is no limit.  

In standard node estimator we add a new running average.  It predicts the 
probabiliy of a node to fail a request after the anullation  time has passed.
We replace pSf with this once the anullation time a node passes us 

Tracking the this new probability (pAfterFailed) should tell us if the scheme
is working.


> Toad wrote:
> > Currently the situation, even with the recently integrated probabilistic
> > rejection, is as follows:
> > We start off with no load
> > We accept some queries
> > Eventually we use up our outbound bandwidth, and due to either
> > messageSendTimeRequest or the output bandwidth limit, we reject queries
> > until our currently transferring requests have been fulfilled.
> > With our current running average code, at this point the node's
> > pSearchFailed estimate will go through the floor, and it won't recover
> > because it won't be routed to.
> > Possible solutions proposed:
> > 1. Try the nodes again after some fixed, perhaps increasing, backoff,
> > once we are into QR mode. One way to do this is to abuse the
> > pSearchFailed estimator as edt has suggested; another way would be to
> > randomly fork requests occasionally such that each node in the RT is
> > visited at least every N seconds as long as the node has some load.
> > The search failed estimator will recover quite fast if it gets retried
> > and is not queryrejecting.
> > 2. Use a really long term average.
> > 3. Have the node somehow guess when it will next be available for
> > queries, and tell the requesting node, which then uses that as a backoff
> > time. Somebody suggested this too essentially. You could perhaps
> > guesstimate it from the transfer rate... but sadly the transfer rate
> > will vary over time..
> >
> > Any other suggestions? Any detail as to why/how a particular option
> > would work?
> Option 3 is close to my Doctor-Patient analogy where appointments are
> scheduled (see "Solving the QR problem with scheduled appointments").
> There are two points to that strategy: The first is to benefit the
> requestees, by reducing the number of queries made down to an amount
> closer to that which the network can actually handle.  The second is to
> benefit the requesters, by improving their ability to predict when
> another node will accept a query from them.  I would approve of any of
> the other options if they could be made to achieve these two goals.  As
> far as I can see, options 1 and 2 benefit the requesters (probably 1 is
> better than 2 in this regard) but neither option help the requestees.
> My plan of enforced scheduled appointments benefits both.
> Before I get into detail on how the requestee (Doctor) node should
> conduct scheduling, let me revise the "Appointment" scheme.  A simpler
> alternative to making appointments is to just worry about when the node
> is likely to be available, and not worry about when it will get busy
> again (i.e. closer to option 3 than my original proposal).  In this
> case, the Doctor node responds to queries it rejects by saying, "Not
> now, and please don't disturb me again for at least x seconds".  If a
> requesting node violates this command, then it gets penalized by the
> requestee, who will then tend to QR all requests from the offending node
> for a limited period of time.
> Now, about how the Doctor should set x.  Really, any plausible method
> would be fine.  Toad, you suggested guesstimating it from the transfer
> rate, but then criticized it due to the transfer rate varying over time.
>   But I say, guess away!  It's okay to not have a perfect prediction of
> how long we will be busy, just as long as we stop requesters from
> sending us a bunch of queries during the times when we are almost
> certain not to be able to accept them.
> Here's a method based on past experience only: Suppose the node notices
> that with x=0 (the current scheme), for 50% of the time, its QR:s last
> for 5 seconds straight, and for the other 50%, they last 15 seconds.
> Then for half the requesting nodes, it would want to set x=5, and the
> rest, set x=15.  So, my proposal for our node to set x according to past
> experience.  If the node starts noticing periods of inactivity where it
> could accept queries, it can start reducing x.  There's more details to
> be filled in here, but I'll stop and await your input.
> -Martin
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