Martin Stone Davis wrote:
Let me use a biological analogy: Say your goal is to have a whole bunch of babies (don't ask my why you'd want this). Also, say you're a woman from another planet (say, Mars), and you can actually get pregnant while you're pregnant. However, you can't have more than a certain number since you can't poop them all out of your vagina that fast. So, instead the best strategy is to abort the most recently-conceived fetuses, and let those normal 3-headed Martian babies survive.

Martin- And people wonder why no women get involved in open source development?! Really Martin, somehow I followed your wacky analogy of Jon Brock's suggestion (btw real women are supposed to be from Venus). I personally did not find your Doctor-Patient scheduling analogy to be retarded at all. It is a little different from what I've been thinking, but most importantly, it was the first suggestion I've seen by anyone for how to implement active Q rate control between a pair of nodes, one that includes a punishment as incentive.

People have often accused me of making far out analogies! Now I feel
strangely normal by comparison :O

on a more serious note, how do you know the upstream node is in any
better condition to handle the request ? this seems like avoiding
our local responsibility... i suppose it is fair to say, if a node
doesn't reject a request, that means it is willing to handle it.
We could try to shift our responsibility. But the local node made the
same commitment, first. In the time elapsed between accepting a request,
and receiving the response, our overall load may have swung against us.
We should attempt to control "load" at the link level (between peers)
as well, perhaps by limiting simultaneous trailers between a pair of
nodes. Apologies if this is already done and I just don't know it yet.
The appropriate limit per link will be different for every pair of
nodes, based on their bandwidth capacities, and their numbers of peers.


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