On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 16:46, Richard A. Hecker wrote:
> > From: Brandon Low <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...<snip>...
> I saw the same thing yesterday on my 5032 node using Sun 1.4.2
> > 
> > Caught a java.io.IOException: Too many open files, LSL.processConnections failing
> > java.io.IOException: Too many open files

When I got this (on Sun 1.4.1_02) I looked with lsof and found 1024 open
file descriptors.

On redhat 9 I put fs.file-max = 65536 in /etc/syscntrl.conf...

I found users still have ulimit -u showing max files 1024, and that
they can't increase it.

After googling a bit, I discovered two approaches (I fixed both)

1)  Change /etc/profile to add  ulimit -Hn 65536

2)  Create /etc/initscript as described in man initscript, including
    ulimit -Hn 65536

Using this approach, I also had to add ulimit -n 65536 to
start-freenet.sh, since I don't want to give every process
a huge default file descriptor limit.

-- Ed Huff

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