Many nodes now exceed their output bandwidth regularly and as a 
result issue many QRs.  We are trying to reduce the bandwidth wasted
sending QRs, and the waste of resources which occurs when a deeply
chained request gets QRed.  The node which first receives the QR
does not try again with a different node in its routing table, as
it would if it got a DNF.  Instead, it passes the QR back, and
all of the preceding links pass it back to the original requester.

Thus, a QR is a disaster.  It would be better if the request had
never been sent to the node which is going to QR.  The current
experiment is exponential backoff.  I agree with edt here:

<edt> we are now doing backoff - does expontenial make sense?
<edt> I suggest that a randomized linear backoff based on the
pDNF(node)*random()*constant would work better.
<edt> when 'constant' is determined by a feedback loop
<edt> designed to minimumize the overall pDNF 
<zab_> I'm more concerned if the exponent ever gets reset
<zab_> I'm seeing backoff values of half an hour
<edt> zab_ why does an exponent make sense given the patterns 
of QR we see?
<edt> I do not think exponential backoff makes than much sense... 
backoff yes.  exponential no.

I would use pDNF(node)*(random()+0.5)*constant so that the
backoff is never really small.

But, there is a way for a node to reject requests without QRing
them.  It can close its connections.  A node which has a large 
backlog of data to send out should close most of its connections 
(except those which are in use for trailers) until the backlog is
reduced.  The node can predict precisely how long this will take 
(at minimum) and can make a tradeoff between the cost of re-opening
the connections vs. the cost to the network as a whole of issuing 

In addition, the node should consider reducing maxConnections,
and if necessary, the size of the routing table.  Perhaps these
could be allowed to increase again later if load stays low.

-- Ed Huff

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