On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 22:01:35 -0800, Dashkal wrote:

> Minor deviation, but it managed to blow one of my wrapper classes.
> These fields in Fred's NodeInfo response were missing:
> EstimatedRateLimitingLoad=<hex number>
> (Came as EstimateRateLimitingLoad)
> IsTransient=<true|false>
> (Missing entirely)
> The spec doesn't label these as optional.

Code your library robust (be liberal in what you accept, be conservative in
what you produce), i. e. don't bail out on missing or reordered or unneeded

Unless, of course, you depend on that value and cannot think of a sensible

> Which fields of this message should be considered optional?

All :) There is nothing in NodeInfo there an implementation has to depend

> (Using: http://freenet.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=fcp as my reference)

BTW: If you want to *code* a FCP library, code one for FCPv2. 

If you want to *use* a FCP library for old Freenet 0.5, don't code one
yourself but use e.g. FIWs FCP implementation (in the fiw.fcp package)
instead, or at least base your API on these classes. That one is quite
robust today (had to prove itself in lots of freesite inserts) and works
flawlessly with current Freenet 0.5. Freenet 0.7 will be released soon and
the API is incompatible as far as I know, so any time spent in writing an
API for it will be lost.


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