On Sat, 2006-01-04 at 20:36 -0800, Dashkal wrote:
> Oh well, back to square 1 *reads the FCPv2 docs*

I have a couple questions with the protocol as stated at
(As it was April 3nd, 2006 - 5:00am UTC)

End vs EndMessage:

It appears that cli->node messages should end with End and node->cli
messages with EndMessage, however CloseConnectionDuplicateClientName
contradicts this.  Should I just code as the page reads or is this an
error?  Perhaps it would be best if, when reading a message, I consider
it to be over when I catch any line that starts with End and has no =
sign in it?

End/EndMessage vs Data:

AllData signifies the beginning of a block of binary data with Data but
ClientPut signifies the beginning of the data block with End.  Is this
as it should be?


Is the Length field required for the disk and redirect UploadFrom

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