I'm not entirely sure why this would need to be done outside of Java... Can't we already bind to an infinate number of IP addresses? If we pick IPaddress to bind to that aren't taken, such as 172.100.100.* we should
be able to bind to those without an issue.

I agree with the rest of my post, and think that Hamachi-style functionality would be THE killer app, but I don't know what I was smoking when I wrote that part. Of course we would need some sort of .lib per-system to bind to IP addresses. It's trivial to do, and we're already using .libs for native acceleration. I think it's acceptable, considering if it's not there, or can't load, freenet still works, the Hamachi sharing just doesn't.

Please consider it. I know implementing a VPN-style connection is a pain, but since we ALREADY have connections to those people that span NATs, it's not as hard as it otherwise would be. Doing so will ENSURE darknet is VERY popular- There are lots of Filesharing/IM apps- There aren't any OSS which do this (easily).


There are OSS apps that do this, it's just that it's difficult to set up
as what you are doing is creating a VPN. That would be extremely
difficult to do over Java.

However, the idea of sharing services out to your darknet peers is
possible, if it is sufficiently useful. Certainly exposing samba shares
or other TCP-based services is possible (if they are allowed to
localhost or LAN already).

As far as UDP-based games go, isn't it always going to perform better to connect directly to the IP address of your friend? Admittedly you have to password the server, and find their IP address... I wonder if there's something in the idea of dyndns over freenet (as opposed to ARKs; make toad.freenet resolve via a local lookup of the ARK or the connection to toad's current IP address)... we could have the node insert (and keep up
to date) lines for your darknet neighbours in hosts.txt. :)

It would be possible to tunnel generically as with a VPN, and make it
look like a LAN. However it would be very difficult (it would definitely
require external non-java code, and on windows that would have to be
nasty low level code probably requiring the DDK; on linux it might require
loading the standard kernel VPN module), and it would be slower than
direct connections. In exchange it solves all the authentication problems.

Anyone have any more ideas for darknet value-add?

On Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 01:50:40PM -0400, Colin Davis wrote:
I think this is a Wonderful line of thinking.
Reward good behavior, rather than punishing bad.

I think responding to Jabber commands would go a long way here- It gives
people a Waste-like IM system, which is a great idea.

I don't think it's a killer-app, though.

What would make Freenet a Killer App, and encourage a LOT of
installations, and encourage people to make peers is including
Hamachi-style functionality.  http://www.hamachi.cc/

Essentially, since we already have a connection to them, let us forward
OTHER types of traffic over it.

I use iTunes, and so does my friend "Bob". Neither of us can play each other's shared library, since they are on different physical LANs- What
Hamachi lets you do is instantly create a virtual network between
everyone's who's connected to one "Network Name".

After you did this, you could play Multiplayer Games, do VOIP, etc..
Essentially, make it so that you can piggy-back any other program over
freenet's links.

So for example, Freenet could create virtual IP addresses locally-
192.168.135.X, where X is number of the friend in the darknet

So, for example, if I had 5 darknet friends-

1- SinnerG
2- Aum
3- Toad
4- Sanity
5- Hobx

If I want to Open a Quake3 game with SinnerG, I could connect to
If I want to share files with Aum, I could go to smb:\\
If I want to ftp to Toad, I can open a ftp connection to


Right now, there is NO OSS app that does this- But with the
infrastructure freenet has, it wouldn't be that hard to implement, and
it would make people LOVE darknet connections, but ONLY to their
friends, not to people they don't know.

In other words- It's perfect.



On Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 01:47:01PM +0200, Oskar Sandberg wrote:
Ian Clarke wrote:
Hash: SHA1

I don't think we necessarily have to prevent location swapping on
opennet nodes, the destination sampling approach seems pretty
and as the network stabilizes, the number of location swaps

I don't think this matters either. A much bigger concern is that
network could end up largely split into two - very few "open" nodes
talking to dark ones, and vice versa. For it to work, people who
open would also have to want to authenticate people who don't

In other words we need to figure out a system of incentives to make it extremely attractive, as well as easy, to add darknet peers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with incentivising the behaviours which will
ensure the network's survival. We have to do this to some degree
in e.g.
load balancing, this is no different.

Here's my thoughts:

1. Opennet takes ages to bootstrap. It has constant connection churn.
While this can be a strength, it can also be a weakness. Darknet
some level of stability.

2. We can provide some level of local "sharing". We can share
and possibly file indexes, with our direct peers. We can send text
messages to them, or files; we can integrate with Jabber perhaps.

3. Significantly increased security. We can have a "trust levels"
system. If you have enough true-darknet connections then locally
generated requests can be limited to true-darknet connections.

4. More security: I believe it will be extremely difficult to
premix routing in any meaningful and safe way on opennet. Certainly it will require completely different structures. Both premix routing and
swap enforcement *require* darknet AFAICS.

5. Preferential treatment. True darknet nodes will tend to have fewer
connections and therefore more traffic can be handled from each
connection. But we can go beyond this: While we should not misroute
requests we have accepted to our darknet peers, there is nothing wrong
with accepting more requests from them, if they want to send more
requests. Load balancing will then adjust the input load accordingly
(more darknet requests allowed, less opennet ones).

Any other ways in which darknet is better, or means by which we can
favour it without breaking opennet?

A problem, in general, with this whole thing is that the
incentives for
connecting to people are too small. It is hard to convince
people that
they ought to go through the trouble of adding more then a
neighbor or
two, if the only reason is that it is healthy for the network (when
may not notice much difference themselves).


When I first envisioned an applications of this type of Darknet, I
thought of it much more in the context of a IM/file sharing
then Freenet. In such a system, people would have have motivation to
"buddies" (presense, being able to surf their share directly, etc)
they don't in Freenet...

Why can we not have Thaw share its index files with the adjacent
We could provide FCP support for local messaging.

// oskar
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.


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Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.


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