Colin Davis wrote:
> What would make Freenet a Killer App, and encourage a LOT of
> installations, and encourage people to make peers is including
> Hamachi-style functionality.
> Essentially, since we already have a connection to them, let us forward
> OTHER types of traffic over it.
> I use iTunes, and so does my friend "Bob". Neither of us can play each
> other's shared library, since they are on different physical LANs- What
> Hamachi lets you do is instantly create a virtual network between
> everyone's who's connected to one "Network Name".
> After you did this, you could play Multiplayer Games, do VOIP, etc..
> Essentially, make it so that you can piggy-back any other program over
> freenet's links.
> So for example, Freenet could create virtual IP addresses locally-
> 192.168.135.X, where X is number of the friend in the darknet connection...

Sorry, but I don't see the point with this at all. If you have there IP
addresses, you can already connect to them (modulo firewall issues,
which will likely be a problem for Freenet as well).

It is a helpful hack to get around the user hostile features of iTunes
(a better way of doing which is to not use iTunes, but I digress), but
beyond that what does it do?

// oskar
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