The don't-close-me window text now says:

"Please don't close me

Please don't close this page

Please don't close this browser window until you have finished browsing 

To maximise security and performance, we have created a custom profile for 
Firefox for browsing Freenet. But because of a problem in Firefox, if you 
close this window before you close the Freenet window (with the black theme, 
it should load in a few seconds), you may not be able to get back into 
Firefox. If this happens please shutdown the Freenet window and if necessary 
reboot. We will try to find a better solution for version 0.8. Thank you for 
using Freenet."

Is this reasonable?

On Friday 28 March 2008 13:58, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> Okay, this is what we're going to do for 0.7.0:
> - Keep the browser profile.
> - When a user clicks on Browse Freenet, open a normal firefox window 
> to a page saying please don't close me until you've closed the freenet 
> window. Then open the freenet window (with the freenet theme).
> This will ensure that the user has best performance and security when 
> Freenet, but it will be slightly annoying. Hopefully we will find a better 
> solution for 0.8. I've also added something about this to the SoC ideas 
> On Tuesday 25 March 2008 19:13, Brian Walsh wrote:
> > I recently decided to try Freenet. Just the act of installing it has
> > destroyed my internet connectivity. Freenet took over Firefox, wiping out
> > all of my bookmarks and extensions. I uninstalled Freenet and Firefox will
> > not start. I have reinstalled Firefox and it still will not start. I
> > desperatly need Firefox to work on my system. You must have seen this
> > before, do you know how to fix it? Or has Freenet so thoroughly hosed me
> > that I need to reinstall my system. Please help if you can, I installed
> > Freenet in good faith and didn't expect it to so badly harm me.
> > 

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