Matthew Toseland wrote:
>> Atm the only limit is the size of the field in the DMT message. We allow
>> a ShortBuffer which is 32kB... A double is 8 bytes meaning that the bad
>> guy can advertise 4000 locations.
> This leaves two possible attacks:
> 1) Use swapping to work out our peers' peers, and do the 1-at-each-side 
> attack.
> 2) Just advertise tons of locations.
> /me notes that if the advertisement packet is over 1kB we may run into severe 
> MTU problems on many connections ... so we could limit it to 128 for 
> practical reasons.  But that would certainly be enough for attack 1 and 
> probably enough for attack 2.

Opennet peers are currently limited to 20 and total peers are limited to
100, right? So we shouldn't accept more than 19 locations from an
opennet peer or 99 from a darknet peer (who we hopefully trust not to
attack us anyway).

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