Sorry for the late announcement. Freenet 1155 is available, mandatory on the 
13th (Wednesday), let us know if the auto-update doesn't manage to find it. 
- Opennet bootstrapping: improved support for low MTUs. The packets we use to 
bootstrap a new opennet node, or to re-bootstrap a node which has been down 
for a while, are now much smaller, so hopefully will be more able to get 
through low MTU connections, misconfigured firewalls etc. Note that some of 
the seednodes have still not updated yet, so there may be a temporary 
reduction in bootstrapping performance.
- Fix a race condition causing seednodes to fail to connect.
- Fix a problem in the entropy gathering thread (this is triggered on *nix 
when a node can't start up because it doesn't have enough random data to 
generate keys etc; the entropy gathering thread does some disk I/O to 
generate such data).
- Disconnect from any opennet node claiming more than 19 FOAF locations.
- Major plugin loading improvements: We can now load official plugins from 
emu, unofficial plugins from any URL or file, and plugins over Freenet (as 
yet unofficial as there is no revocation support). Plugins can show their SVN 
revision numbers like the node does.
- Significant improvements to the UPnP and KeyExplorer plugins.
- Translation updates for Spanish, Chinese, Italian, and French.
- Some interesting new histograms on the stats page, showing the node's 
incoming, outgoing, and locally originated request locations.
- Updater fixes, disable Update Over Mandatory for an hour after detecting a 
non-mandatory update so that the less disruptive update-over-freenet code can 
download the update.
- A new seednodes tester, which will be run regularly to keep track of the 
status of the seednodes.
- Write the onion jar to a temp file, not ~/.onionnetworks (which may not be 
- Some installer fixes, including a script to remove the cronjob.

Meanwhile, sdiz and toad (me) are continuing to work on our respective 
branches, and batsai is working on the Web of Trust plugin.

Thanks to:
nextgens (most other stuff)
saces (plugins)
j16sdiz (mostly continuing to work on his branch)
toad (mostly continuing to work on his branch)
luke771 (translation)
Caco Patane (translation)
yongzhen (translation)
batosai (translation, WoT)

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