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On Fri, 08 May 2009 05:51:58 -0600 Zero3 <ze...@zerosplayground.dk>
>You seem to have tested the *old* Windows installer, which
>doesn't work on Vista. If you can, please test the new one from
>the link
>from toad's mail :).
>- Zero3

The good:
Under Vista64 the installer does produce a functioning node.

The bad:
Wrapper.conf seems to not get an update from wizard mode. Maximum
memory was still default of 192 and not the 512 I had set. If I do
a new install and configure it manually rather than using the
wizard, after a node reboot I can see the changes. A reboot after
the wizard install does not.

The unfortunate:
The installer does not see existing 64 bit java installs under the
Vista OS. The option to install java only installs the 32 bit java.
This works and allows the install to complete but now you have both
32/64 bit jre's.

The messy workaround:
After the node is installed and working, shut it down.
Uninstall the 32 bit java.
Start-run-cmd, then cd to %windir%\syswow64.
There create three symbolic links to the 64 bit java in
mklink java.exe ..\system32\java.exe
mklink javaw.exe ..\system32\javaw.exe
mklinik javaws.exe ..\system32\javaws.exe
Restart the node.
(I believe these links will break if java is ever updated and need
to be recreated manually at that point in time.)

The installer cannot be spoofed by the symbolic links alone, only
after a completed install is done can the freenet software be ran
under a 64 bit java.

Could the installer be revised to detect a 64 bit OS? Also
adjusting for 64 bit java detection and it's possible download

The options to make changes to the wrapper don't happen when using
the wizard. Can this be fixed or should it be removed and then
after the node is up remind the user to adjust memory usage if
he/she wants and then to reboot the node.

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