I really do think this site looks great. Much more visually appealing 
than the current endeavor, and more importantly,  likely to drive people 
to huge download button.

One question on the screenshot- It looks like you're including the 
entire full-size screenshot, then shrinking it in the browser..
Is intentional, rather than using a thumbnail?
I can see an advantage in that it would decrease the load-time of the 
full-image, if clicked, but it also makes that initial page take far 
longer to download than is necessary.


Clément wrote:
> Hello all,
> Afaik, all the major defaults are resolved.
> So, the question is quite simple :
> is this (http://amphibian.dyndns.org/freenet/newsite/) site ready to be 
> deployed, or does it need some more polishing ?
> Regards,
> Dieppe
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