Clément пишет:
> On Wednesday 14 October 2009 08:30:34 Clément wrote:
>> On Sunday 11 October 2009 21:39:48 Juiceman wrote:
>>> On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 3:33 AM, Clément <> wrote:
>>>> On Saturday 10 October 2009 23:53:52 Matthew Toseland wrote:
>>>>> On Thursday 08 October 2009 00:49:11 Clément wrote:
>>>>>> Hello, I felt bored tonight, so I wrote this.
>>>>>> This is just a beginning, but in order to have a good UI, we need to
>>>>>> adress those questions with all the attention they deserve. In
>>>>>> particular, the raison d'etre (why a new UI?) and the model of the
>>>>>> user (what is our target audience?).
>>>>> This is logical.
>>>>>> => Raison d'etre:
>>>>>> "To allow the user to access all (or the more of) the services
>>>>>> provided by a Freenet node.
>>>>> Or the functionality that they will commonly want to use, with the
>>>>> rest being provided by third party tools etc?
>>>> Sure
>>>>>> Current limitations:
>>>>>> - A lot of users complain about Freenet being complicated to use
>>>>> Freenet is complicated, period. Many important things about Freenet
>>>>> are hard to safely simplify. :(
>>>> Well, we should find out which things are hard to simplify : are they
>>>> essential to use Freenet ?
>>> I started coding a "help" servlet for Freenet, accessible if you go to
>>> but became discouraged when I had to start worrying about licensing
>>> issues with copy pasting text from the various Freenet wikis.  My
>>> original idea was to use the l10n language files to contain the
>>> information and allow translation, but it is an ugly kludge and would
>>> only allow translation of English to other languages keeping the exact
>>> same formatting and wouldn't allow other languages to be expanded
>>> beyond without editing the code of Freenet itself and not just a text
>>> file.
>>> It was my desire that the information be accessible even if a node
>>> couldn't connect or was in a secluded darknet that couldn't reach a
>>> Freesite in the main network.
>> It's clearly the way to go. The thing is, I'm not sure we should document
>> Freenet right now if we plan to change the UI. Btw, as Evan said in another
>> thread, we should also think of all new terms we use in the UI, and ask
>> ourselves if they're self explanatory or if there is a better term for that
>> (dunno who did this, but I think someone already proposed that for some
>> things). If we manage to reduce the number of complex terms, we also reduce
>> the size of the help.
>> So, first thing first : do we agree that the UI need reworking (I'm not
>>  saying we should start over of course, but it may involve a lot of work).
>>  If so, we should ask the users what they don't like about the current one
>>  (after all, if almost all users are ok with it, why change it....), and
>>  for that we should find a way to do that : if we ask only on user on fms,
>>  it will be biased, because it needs some technical skills to have it up
>>  and running.
>> Maybe the best thing would be to have a poll displayed on Freenet startup
>>  for a given version (or more, dunno...). It won't be anonymous (not in the
>>  freenet way I mean) since it would require a spam protection we don't have
>>  atm. So, what I propose is that we ask the user if he is okay helping us
>>  improving Freenet, if yes, we display the poll. As an option, but I don't
>>  see why now, we could also grad usage statistics, with the agreement of
>>  the user of course. But that's out of the scope for now.
>> So, basically, as any other software who do that, we upload the results on
>>  the freenet server, with no identification of course. Would that be ok ?
>> If so, we just need to know what question we will ask.
>> First we need to determine how often they use the software, why they use it
>> mostly, if they're fine about the current ui, if they have the feeling that
>> freenet is too complex, and also an open question like "what would you do
>>  to improve freenet usability". I never did that before, so I don't really
>>  know what else to ask, but I'm sure that with some time and some help,
>>  we'll find more ;)
> Ok, I just got some times, and came up with the following questions. Of 
> course, comments are very welcome (and please, don't give attention to 
> wording, I'm really tired....)!
> 1) How often is your node running? // We don't really need this one for the 
> UI, but I though it could be useful to know
> o 24/7 of course!
> o 70-90%
> o 50-70%
> o 25-50%
> o 0-25%
> 2) How often do you *use* Freenet? // This one is important however
> o Everyday
> o Several times in a week
> o Several times in a month
> o Several times in a year
> o Never
> 3) Would you say that Freenet is complicated to use?
> o Yes
> o No
> If you want to give some details : .........
> 4) Do you use 3rd party software (like FMS, Frost, ...)?
> o Yes
> o No

It may sound strange, but i believe you should have "Don't know" option here. 
For many beginning users the distinction between "Freenet" and "3rd party 
software using freenet" is quite tricky to understand.

                  - Volodya

> 5) What is your primary use of Freenet?
> o Browse freesite
> o Download/Upload files
> o Talk on discussion boards
> o All of the above
> 6) Do you use the search function to search freesites?
> o Yes
> o No : why? ............ (you may leave a blank here)
> 7) Did you know there was a search function?
> o Yes
> o No
> 8) Would you say you feel you're protected when using Freenet?
> o Yes
> o No
> 9) Did you change the default security options?
> o Yes
> o No
> 10) Did you understand the security options and the risks related?
> o Yes
> o No
> 11) What browser do you use when you're browsing freesites?
> o Internet Explorer
> o Mozilla Firefox
> o Google Chrome (or chromium)
> o Safari
> o Other: you may want to specify: ....
> 12) Do you use the incognito (or private) mode of your browser (if it has 
> one)?
> o Yes
> o No
> 13) Do you take any extra measure about your anonymity when inserting things 
> into Freenet? (for instance changing your writing style, not mentioning 
> anything of your real life, changing your html coding style, ...)
> o Yes
> o No
> 14) Would you be interested if Freenet provides you some advice about the 
> above question? (really needs rewording...)
> o Yes
> o No 
> 15) If you had to give a grade to the current Freenet UI, which one would it 
> be?
> .... (from 0 (meaning very bad) to 10 (meaning very good)
> 16) Why? What would *you* change to improve it? What do *you* like about it?
> .....
> We could also ask questions about friends : how many user have friends, do 
> they feel good with the current UI, what would they change, ....
>>> A better way I now believe would be to ship html files as part of the
>>> node, with the node loading the local pages like it was a Freesite,
>>> only I don't know how to code that.  It also doesn't answer my
>>> licensing questions.
>>>>>> - Some menus/sub-menus contain too many elements, when other contain
>>>>>> too few
>>>>> True, but please consider simple mode, new users will not use advanced
>>>>>  mode...
>>>> We may want to focus on simple mode at a start, but I think we
>>>> shouldn't work on advanced mode just because it's for advanced users
>>>> and they can deal with it. It should be comfortable to use for both.
>>>>>> - Some informations presented to the user are complicated, and make
>>>>>> him ask a lot of questions
>>>>> If you have any ideas on this, I'd be interested, but in a lot of
>>>>> cases it is unavoidable...
>>>> I don't have any ideas yet. That's just a remark. But I think that is
>>>> an important point we should keep in mind.
>>>>>> - Some informations presented to the user are related to the node's
>>>>>> internal logic
>>>>> True, should be avoided in simple mode in general.
>>>>>> - Feel free to complete
>>>>>> Success criterion (measurables):
>>>>>> - Users complain far less about Freenet being complicated (Freenet
>>>>>> loses its image of a complicated software)
>>>>> Not possible, but some progress can surely be made.
>>>> If you start with "not possible", we won't go far :p Apart from that,
>>>> as I said above, we should find what users find complicated right now,
>>>> to simplify things as much as we can.
>>>>>> - Users are capable to accomplish all the action they want in a
>>>>>> small time (we can ask a user to do some action an measure the time
>>>>>> it takes for that (both in old and new UI), ...)
>>>>>> - Feel free to complete"
>>>>>> => Model of the user:
>>>>>> General knowledge:
>>>>>> The user can read/write his own language and perhaps english. He
>>>>>> knows how to use a computer.
>>>>>> Knowledge in the application domain:
>>>>>> Weak: the user only knows the basics : some general vocabulary, no
>>>>>> technical detail. Do not know any specific terms.
>>>>>> Computer skills:
>>>>>> Basic +: the user knows how to use a computer and may have already
>>>>>> used some P2P softwares before. Mostly run windows and is used to
>>>>>> basic actions.
>>>>> Seems reasonable.
>>>>>> Feel free to complete
>>>>>> => Activity modeling:
>>>>>> Here we need to do some polls, ask people on irc, if possible watch
>>>>>> them using freenet. We could also refer to the state of the art:
>>>>>> we're not the only p2p application, and even
>>>>>> though freenet is different, I'm sure we could reuse some things.
>>>>>> SO, we need questions to ask in order to know what peoples do on
>>>>>> freenet, and how they do it. If we can get some scenario from
>>>>>> existing users (in our target audience),
>>>>>> it would be also great.
>>>>> So we need more usability testing, we need to look at the UI of other
>>>>> apps, and we need to find out how people actually use Freenet?
>>>> Yep. The most important part (according to my (basic) course) is to
>>>> have people telling us how they work know with freenet, i.e. make them
>>>> write scenarii. A poll is surely a good thing too, since we may have a
>>>> larger audience. I'll try to write down some questions if we agree on
>>>> the basics here.
>>>>>> I stop here for now, since this point also depends on the two
>>>>>> previous ones.
>>>>>> If you have any question, please ask :)
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Dieppe
>>>>>> P.S. : I have to say that it's been a while since I didn't go to the
>>>>>> channel or saw message on frost (I'm waiting for Freetalk for that
>>>>>> ;)), so I may have a truncated view.
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