On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Matthew Toseland
<t...@amphibian.dyndns.org> wrote:
> On Sunday 22 November 2009 17:21:11 Evan Daniel wrote:
>> On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 11:51 AM, sashee <gsas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > The XHTML support is still broke, and most likely will be in the
>> > future, as folks at GWT thinks it is low priority (
>> > http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=710 ). As
>> > the XHTML standard is considered low-priority at W3C in favor to
>> > HTML5, I think treating XHTML as HTML(as of now) won't break sites,
>> > and GWT is happy too.
>> Pretending XHTML is actually HTML doesn't work, because XHTML doesn't
>> support some features GWT uses, like document.write(); instead it has
>> alternatives that better separate parsing and scripts.  Of course, GWT
>> simply assumes they are present, rather than using the correct
>> alternatives.  So if you just run the web-pushing code in the XHTML,
>> it doesn't work.
>> If you serve the XHTML with MIME type text/html, then Firefox will do
>> what the user wants -- in complete disregard for the XHTML spec.  The
>> XHTML spec is very clear that XHTML 1.1 MUST be served as an XML MIME
>> type, and that failure to do so is an error.
> Nonetheless it works with most browsers, right?

Yes, though it would be unwise to count on it long term -- if my
reading of the spec is correct, a fully compliant browser should
produce an error message instead of displaying the page.  In other
words, it depends upon buggy (though common?) browser behavior to
work.  (I haven't tested this in anything other than Firefox, btw.)

In particular, the document declares itself as XHTML.  The text/html
MIME type says nothing about what version of HTML to use; presumably
the browser makes some assumptions.  However, there's no particular
guarantee about what HTML versions it will assume, and whether those
will match the content filter assumptions.  I'd be reluctant to assume
that's a good idea without some careful analysis.

>> I see 4 basic options.  First, we could wait for GWT to support XHTML.
> Not a good option IMHO, although timing and priorities re merging and 
> enabling web-pushing are debatable...

I assume Google hasn't commented on a time frame for XHTML support?
I'm inclined to agree that we shouldn't wait on some unscheduled thing
that may or may not happen.

>>  Second, we could implement a workaround for document.write(); there
>> are XHTML-compatible javascript functions available that emulate the
>> document.write() functionality, but I don't know whether they are
>> sufficiently close to satisfy GWT.
> Running underneath GWT? Sounds messy...

Only somewhat.  It either works or it doesn't, and all the javascript
is automatically generated anyway, right?  So we test it a bit, and if
it works, great.

>> Third, we could rewrite standards
>> compliant XHTML into standards compliant HTML.
> Which would involve...?

Honestly, I don't really know.  The vast majority of it is the same,
provided you use the versions of HTML that close lone tags (ie "<img
src="blah" ... />").  There are probably some differences in some
details, but most of the basic tags are identical.  I don't know how
complicated those details actually are.  The seriously hard things
(like handling XML namespaces for stuff like embedded SVG or MathML)
aren't supported by the content filter at present anyway.

>> And fourth, we could
>> disable web-pushing on XHTML in the short term while waiting on one of
>> the first three.
> Practically speaking IMHO there is a very strong argument for web-pushing, 
> mostly related to connection limits in browsers.

I agree, but I am also strongly opposed to converting standards
compliant pages into non-compliant pages.  IMHO it's better to roll
out web pushing support for most pages, and add it later to others,
than to delay support for all of them while we solve issues with a
few, or to support those few by breaking their standards compliance.

This option is the one that gets my vote; get it working and deployed
on some pages first, then make it work everywhere.

Evan Daniel
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