On 01/20/2010 04:25 PM, alex wrote:
 > I see all these difficulties, and then some. For example, cooperative index
> building. Can this be completely replaced by aggregated indexes relying on a 
> WoT? I say this because I see a basic difference at work here. In freenet, I 
> understand that a btree is inserted under some key, and thus can be authored 
> by a single "entity" (or collection of trusted peers). However, in 
> traditional p2p, distributed hash tables (e.g. kademlia) are built by all 
> peers. Or I'm wrong here about how btrees will work in freenet?

The b-tree works on a different layer from the DHT - it's implemented on top of
it. The node layer only knows about the DHT, the b-tree doesn't affect it. The
individual b-tree "nodes" are just normal entries in the DHT, and these entries
point to each other, these pointers forming the "tree" structure.


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