[Excerpts from original message]
>> I wanted to suggest porting already existing "Toadlets" to normal
>> servlets and utilize Apache Struts framework for more simplicity.

[Excerpts from Ian's message]
> I'll all for moving to a standard web framework, rather than our current
> home-grown solution.  However there are a lot of options to choose from.
>  Why Struts, and not another option (like, for example, Apache Wicket)?
> Ian.

Well, that's a good point indeed. I suggested Struts because I already
had experience working with Struts in WebApp development. The bottom
line is to decouple Java code from web interface (as much as possible)
so designing web interface would be a little bit easier (even for
those who are not familiar with Java language). The question is which
framework to choose?

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