>  If your 'solution' is trading 'jar
>  size' and 'readability' against run-time performance (for the common
>  case assuming logNORMAL), we won't merge it. Freenet is slow enough
>  as is.

Any patch with lazy evaluation will not cause problems in the "normal"
case but will affect debugging Fred because turning on debug log level
for a single class will cause all lazy parameters everywhere to be
created.  Imagine you're trying to reproduce a rare bug and have
turned on one or two debug statements - because of lazy evaluation
your jvm will garbage collect much more often and you may never
reproduce the bug.  This is valid for current generation jvms.

> Hint: your doing it wrong, the one way to make it faster and nicer is to
>  use dependancy injection

DI is generally great but it doesn't solve the problem of "ugly
predicate".  You're better off looking at some bytecode weaving
techniques like aspects.  Combined with DI they can make the code very
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