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On Nov 19, 2012 10:24 AM, "Juiceman" <> wrote:
> Idea for automated seednode collection:
> Could official seednodes pass a list of second tier seednodes that
newbies can try to connect to when official nodes are overloaded?
> Implementation:
> When an official seednode accepts a newbie node for announcement it
checks if that node has its "be a seednode" flag set.  It puts this node on
a list of potential volunteers.
> After 30 minutes of not being connected to the volunteer:
> The official seednode then tries to connect to the newbie to test its
firewall and that it accepts an announcement attempt.  If everything looks
good it adds this node to a list of volunteer nodes that can be doled out
to the future newbies that connect.

Clarification: the reason we wait 30 minutes is to give the new volunteers
time to settle into the network and make sure they stuck around.

I suggest we make it so volunteers can't dole out their own list of
sub-volunteers somehow or else routing will be fubared.  Perhaps when
volunteer nodes get connected they fetch the latest list of official
seednodes from Freenet and if they are not on it disable handing out their
list of their own volunteers.

Let's make it so seednodes don't hand out second tiers until they
themselves have been up for 30 minutes.  This gives time to check whether
they are official seednodes and settle into the network.  Seednodes should
not persist their volunteer list past shutdown so they collect fresh
volunteers and don't hand out ancient lists.

> On Nov 19, 2012 7:42 AM, "Matthew Toseland" <>
>> I have merged Robert's original patch (compile fixed) for depth-first
announcement onto a branch, opennet-changes.
>> It will need to be tested thoroughly:
>> - Do new nodes announce with new seeds?
>> - Do new nodes announce with old seeds?
>> - Do old nodes announce with new seeds?
>> (Note that Update Over Mandatory relies on announcement, as well as
announcing existing nodes)
>> However, it is a very small patch, and since we wait for transfers to
complete *after* we call addRefIfWanted(), it should be okay.
>> IMHO the theoretical justification for this patch is more than adequate:
>> - The nodes at the "end" of the announcement path should reply first.
They are much less likely to be overloaded.
>> - They are also closer to the target location, so announcement should be
more effective.
>> However, I suspect the difference in practice will be nil:
>> - We will receive the same set of announcement offers, just backwards.
>> - We will accept all of them because we are a newbie, and normally we
get rather fewer announcement offers than our connection limit.
>> => Getting more seednodes (preferably via an automated process) is more
>> Thoughts?
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