On Sunday 04 Aug 2013 22:15:07 Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> Hi toad,
> I actually like activelinks: They provide persistence for referenced sites.
> And when I look at the stats form digger3, I thnk we need the persistence.
> Also each activelink shows that the page is still available.
> Index authors can decide not to use activelinks (as linkageddon does), and I 
> don’t think there is any need to force the issue.
> All the prefetch methods would hide that access, though.
> Actually I don’t think that this is higher priority than killing db4o or 
> update channels or merging the ogg filters.

Sure, although this is easier to implement.
> Also the activelinks have a huge advantage over including the images: The 
> site first loads, with missing images but all structure intact. AFAIK 
> Including the images in the site would make the initial download slower and 
> that is far worse than any later loading of images.

I don't follow.

Including the images in the site will make loading the site *MUCH* faster: The 
images are very small, whereas 2MB of container (admittedly less for some 
sites) is a lot larger.
> Best wishes,
> Arne
> Am Sonntag, 4. August 2013, 15:32:41 schrieb Matthew Toseland:
> > Do we still need activelinks? IMHO they are a great way to put off new 
> > users: A big page on Enzo will download what, dozens to hundreds of 
> > megabytes? Yet the user sees a longish page full of tiny images. So they 
> > conclude that Freenet is hideously slow. When in fact it's doing far more 
> > work than it needs to do before showing the page.
> > 
> > IMHO activelink based indexes - at least if they're not explicitly labelled 
> > as such, and if they're likely to be seen by new users - should include the 
> > images so that the page renders quickly. Then use some hack to preload the 
> > content - but in a way that doesn't block the page from rendering. 
> > 
> > Do we need Freenet-level support for this?
> > 
> > Currently the content filter doesn't support <link rel=prefetch src=...>. I 
> > could either:
> > 1) Add support to the filter for <link rel=prefetch src=...> or
> > 2) Make the filter delete, but prefetch in the background at low priority, 
> > such links.
> > 
> > Note that this is a preload - I'm happy to allow preloading from the 
> > content filter via a callback from fproxy; what I'm NOT happy to do is have 
> > HTMLFilter actually *block on fetches from freenet*.
> > 
> > There are a few other more traditional hacks site authors could use (1 
> > pixel images, LOWSRC and so on), but most of them will suck browser 
> > connections and thus may block loading the page anyway.
> > 
> > Thoughts? I'll probably implement this anyway, but it makes sense to talk 
> > about it.

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