On 07/01/14 17:00, Ian Clarke wrote:
> It's not really clear what you are proposing here, what is the context?
We should allow, optionally, tunneling the first hop over Tor or I2P. Hence:
- We implement a simple binary protocol over TCP.
- Nodes can optionally expose this for "transient" clients.
- We provide some way to find nodes exposing this service within Tor to
connect to, possibly via a flag in the Tor router directory or some
other mechanism.
- We provide an option for a real node to route all locally originated
requests via tunneled nodes exposing this service.

Right now Freenet provides a distributed, mostly censorship resistant
datastore (an important service that Tor doesn't provide, potentially
enabling services that are more robust than Tor hidden servers), but
only a limited degree of anonymity. IMHO for good security Freenet needs
to tunnel the first hop (before we start routing properly) over a
mixnet. The easy, plug and play, and still somewhat decentralised,
solution is to go via Tor.

In the long run, I would like Freenet to construct its own tunnels, over
a darknet social network via the PISCES algorithm; this would be
substantially more secure than Tor is at present (as it is resistant to
Sybil attacks and can even use high latency for uploads) but it is a
long way off for various reasons (we'd need a darknet, but also it's a
lot of work and needs other stuff too; also there are tricky
invisibility/tunnel length tradeoffs).
> Ian.
> On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 5:36 AM, Matthew Toseland
> <t...@amphibian.dyndns.org>wrote:
>> The leaked files on Tor suggest it is significantly stronger than at
>> least I had assumed.
>> It might be interesting to create a simple, but cryptographically
>> verified, TCP-based protocol for communicating with gateways through
>> tunnels, to protect the first hop. This would be a "transient"
>> request/response protocol handling binary blobs; clients would route the
>> first hop (at least on opennet) through these tunnels, verify returned
>> content, and possibly label requests to keep them on separate tunnels.
>> On darknet we will eventually protect the first hop via PISCES tunnels,
>> however IMHO this is some way off and there are (probably) very few
>> darknet users at present.
>> We could then ask Tor for a directory server flag, although they might
>> say no if Freenet is seen as "filesharing" and therefore obnoxious.
>> DoS issues might result in some servers asking for payment, although
>> creating a business model is often a good way to fund your attackers
>> (especially if the gateways are anonymised); this is why a classic
>> mixnet doesn't work for bitcoin, for example (don't trust anything
>> without provable blinding).
>> tgs3 and various people on Frost have been suggesting this for some time.
>> IMHO Tor is preferable to I2P (assuming the NSA stuff isn't a false
>> trail, which it might be), but it could work with either.
>> Arguably we should use a normal transport, we're some way away from
>> having TCP-based transport plugins though... and this could be a fairly
>> simple protocol, we can transfer a single block (key) at a time as a
>> single message.
>> http://www.theguardian.com/world/interactive/2013/oct/04/tor-stinks-nsa-presentation-document

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