Update channels are a way to provide easier testing of development
versions, make it easier for unofficial builds to be distributed, and
can also enhance build security by allowing for multiple signatures with
offline keys.

## Channel definition

A channel definition describes an update channel: both the user-facing
information and where to fetch it. It also contains security measures
like a revocation key, a list of trusted key IDs, and the number of
valid signatures required to deploy. This number can be zero if trusting
the insert key is deemed sufficient.

It is a key-value list of:

* name
* user-facing description
* trusted key IDs
* number of valid signatures from trusted keys required to deploy
* channel revocation SSK

Depending on whether the definition is distributed with a build, the
name and description could either be literal or localization keys. Those
distributed with builds are copied to an `update_channels` directory on
the filesystem and used from there to allow for clearer operation and
have it make more sense to drop additional channel definitions in the

Trusted keys are exciting because although the update insert key must
exist on an online machine in some form in order to perform the insert,
trusted keys could be kept on offline machines with signatures inserted
separately.  Provided this is implemented and used, compromising the
insert key would no longer be sufficient to deploy a malicious update.

The trusted key IDs are updated if the channel definition is signed with
enough valid signatures under the existing definition. This means
everything on a channel - not just the files like freenet.jar - require

This file is /definition under the USK.

## Channel manifest

A channel manifest describes the version offered by that edition of the
channel.  In order to be a channel an edition of the key must contain a
manifest. This could allow inserting the manifest to be a deployment
trigger once everything else is ready. A manifest could also contain a
skip marker if an edition is found to be bad after its artifacts are
inserted, or if artifacts are not offered because the USK in the
definition is changing.

It is a key-value list of:

* build string
* skip boolean

This file is /manifest under the USK.

## Artifacts

Update channels provide some number of artifacts to be used. Depending
on how reliable archive manifests are - this [0] gives me reservations -
it could just be the list of files in the container.

These are be the filenames used to deploy; the update manager matches
filenames and reacts intelligently.

Things like this are already available:

* freenet.jar
* freenet_windows_installer.exe
* freenet_unix_installer.jar
* release_notes.txt
* developer_details.txt

This expands to:

* freenet.jar_source
* freenet_windows_installer.exe_source
* freenet_unix_installer.jar_source

The updater could warn that non-txt artifacts without _source
counterparts might not be able to be audited. Signatures are provided in
the form of _0xKeyID.sig.

Plugins could also query the update channel's artifacts. A plugin could
fetch an update channel's packages and expose them over a port on the
local interface for use with package systems like apt. This could be
bootstrapped like Google Chrome which (with opt-out) adds its repository
when installed.

## Artifact requirements

Java artifacts can have minimum Java version requirements. From what
I've been able to find Java .class files do not have standardized
"target version" information, so this would need to be in the jar

With the upcoming Java 7 requirement implementing enough to get to a
minimum Java version in the freenet.jar manifest seems like a useful and
practical start to realizing these update channels. Without update
channels, changes like this require changes to the update key. Currently
maintaining a non-breaking upgrade path requires doing it anyway, but
after that it should remove the need to do so except to update the
crypto the key uses.

This is in the jar itself instead of the channel manifest because
packaged versions can already express these requirements. The jar need
only add minimum version information if it will be used to update
standalone installations. Notably Windows does not (currently) have
packages, so official channels will certainly continue to provide a
freenet.jar, but this is still a design consideration.

# Build infrastructure

The goal is that publishing updates is easier - both for official
project things and unofficial builds. The guiding philosophy is to
automate as much as practical and only require human interaction for
confirmation or sanity checks. This means doing things like fetching an
updated Oracle Java installer as part of the Windows installer build,
and checking a change's legitimacy with a human.

This can be centered around progressing artifacts through stages: build,
sign, upload and insert. This is where I'd like to avoid re-implementing
existing dependency ordering and resolution. What existing tools would
make this easier, or provide most or all of it? Vagrant could be
applicable; is ant sufficient for dependencies? Make? Gradle? CMake?

Code and jar signing are part of the products themselves, and unlike PGP
signatures require special support to be done on a separate offline
system. The Freenet jar must be built and code-signed before the
installers (which contain the jar) can be built and code-signed, so
either offline signing must be done with multiple transfers or the build
must be done offline as well.  Something like Vagrant to set up a
development or build environment would make this easier.

# Closing thoughts

This is a large idea, and it's not complete, but I'm excited about its
potential and I'm interested in implementing at least the minimum Java
version manifest subset of it for build 1466.


- Steve

[0] https://github.com/freenet/fred/pull/282

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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