On Sat, 2016-08-06 at 10:55 -0500, Ian Clarke wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 10:12 AM, Florent Daigniere <nextgens@freenetp
> roject.org> wrote:
> > On Sat, 2016-08-06 at 09:42 -0500, Ian Clarke wrote:
> > > It is certainly true that I'm preoccupied with other things
> > (namely
> > > making a living - an unfortunate necessity for most people). 
> > Should
> > > someone else come along with the time, motivation, and expertise
> > to
> > > take over as coordinator, I would welcome it.  No such person has
> > > come forward.
> > >
> > 
> > I think that we should make it clear that we're looking for such a
> > person... Just like we should make clear that we're looking for a
> > UI/website designer and other things.
> It's not exactly the type of thing you can put out a job rec for, and
> picking the wrong person could be disastrous (far worse than having
> someone time-constrained like me).

Agreed. That's why we have a board, no? (there they can vote, since the
number of seats are limited)

> > I'm glad it is. It's been three months and it's only started making
> > sign of progress when I've sent my email (last Tuesday).
> For the record, Xor and I had restarted the process before you sent
> that email.
> > 
> > > - we have no roadmap; we need one.
> > >
> > > That's precisely what this process is designed to create.
> > >
> > 
> > Okay, then the thread shouldn't be called "Financial allocation
> > poll".
> I didn't pick the subject, and I wouldn't have picked that one.
> > Because I consider a 3 month delay a failure.
> That has nothing to do with the process, and everything to do with me
> being time constrained, and nobody else picking up the ball and
> running with it, except for Xor.
> > >  Time is money, even if it's only
> > > volunteers's. Just call the shots, those that disagree are free
> > to
> > > leave (and that comes from someone who has a long history of
> > > disagreeing with most of your previous calls :)). I'm puzzled as
> > of
> > > why
> > > you've decided to do things differently this time around...
> > >
> > > Because I noticed that a solid "core" of Freenet developers
> > seemed
> > > very resentful of me getting involved in the project again, and
> > so I
> > > concluded that if I just came in and started to bark orders at
> > > people, they would not respond well.
> > >
> > 
> > A good leader needs to be able to make calls that are not always
> > popular. Populism hasn't lead anyone anywhere.
> Yes they do, but as you've pointed out elsewhere, the rules can be
> different when you're relying on volunteers that can't be compelled
> to do anything.

That's why it's important to establish whether we're aiming at being a
funded project or not. I do think that money corrupts and I don't think
we should (but I know that you disagree).

> Whenever I've brought up the problems with the current website all of
> the voices in response were opposed to redesigning the site.

Timing is everything; just like you are not happy with people
"contributing" to your process while in the middle of it (they have
lives too and maybe they were busy before)... your comments came in
while an on-going effort at redesign was already well under way.

>   If you feel differently then perhaps you should have supported my
> point of view at that time, I was left with the perception that I was
> the only one who recognized that our current website is a serious
> liability.

I didn't care enough about the website at the time to do so (neither
taking part to the on-going effort nor to your critic of it).

> > Reading again the spreadsheet on the other thread, very few of the
> > proposed items there are delivering something tangible towards
> > those
> > goals.
> You had months to offer this feedback, why are you only offering it
> now?

Because I came to the realisation that I deem it a failure; before I
didn't care enough about it and had other priorities.


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